My teef hurt!

I went in to the periodontist today to have a wonderful procedure performed called a "gingival graft" on my lower two front teeth. In a nutshell, if you have receding gums, they cut back your existing gums, cut out a piece of the roof of your mouth, and graft that piece of tissue where you need more gum tissue. Not only do you have a decent amount of pain and bloody seepage after it's done, you can't brush those teeth for 10 days after the procedure! I'm going to be Death Breath Mike (a reference to last nights O.C., which sucked, and I'm not wasting any more time on that damn show). But I must say, if you're reading this because you're getting it done, it's not that bad if you've got a good doctor doing the procedure. Mine took the tissue from the area behind one of my wisdom teeth, so eating while healing won't be to bad, and he talked to me through the entire procedure, letting me know what was going on. Spent a lot of time afterwards talking to me.
I've stumbled onto the best dental practice in the L.A. area, it seems. I'd never had a dental work done while watching Sportcenter before, but I have now. There's a flat screen on a swing arm at each chair. The place is like "Pimp my office".
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