I make movie trailers. She makes ceramic art. We got married.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Another Campaign Over...

...Another promise to update this blog on a regular basis.

After reading though my long lost cousin Kristen's exceedingly well written blog, I decided to get back into this here blog. It's been a busy 5 months or so, so I have to forgive myself... I've been up to my neck in my work for Disney. I finished the trailer for Invincible a couple months ago, and have been working on TV spots ever since. That combined with a trip to Israel... oh, who the hell am I kidding. I'm a lazy, unmotivated slacker, who'd rather play Xbox than write.

But no longer... and this time I mean it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally! we've been wondering when we'd hear more from you.

1:29 PM PDT

Blogger Kristen said...

Well done on the trailer...after having seen it, both Ernesto and I were like, "oh, that looks good. I'd go see that," and we don't even care about football.

9:16 AM PDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Found you via Kristen. Hope you keep your promise and keep posting! Looking forward to catching up and reconnecting!

7:51 PM PDT

Blogger Mike D said...

Kristen- Thanks! It did pretty well opening weekend, so I'm pretty relieved (and so was Disney!)

John- Yeah, let's see if I can keep posting. I have a tendency to leave crap half finished (see: the last time we were exchanging e-mail several years back. Sorry!)

I really dig your blog and Kristen's.

12:58 PM PDT


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