You promised me a churro!

Went to Disneyland with Shosh and Aliza yesterday. Man, that place is boring as hell when you don't have kids. Still, the overall experience is kind of fun in that it's like being on another planet. One filled with people who will buy ANYTHING and wear it on their head. "You're sellin' a rainbow colored baseball cap with a propeller on top? Well slap that bad boy on my dome! Here's 35 bucks." I love imagining the closets of people like this. I'm assuming they're literally teaming over with souvenir t-shirts, foam fingers, and all manner of battery powered light-up objects purchased at various fireworks displays throughout their lives.
But I'm not judging. No matter what event I'm going to, I'm convinced I'm missing out on part of the experience if I don't have the ridiculously overpriced program.
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