Ping Pong?!?

On a video game related note (because the goal of this blog is to have exactly one, and only one, post about every possible subject under the sun), Rockstar, the makers of the family-friendly Grand Theft Auto series of video games, is coming out with a next-gen ping pong game for the Xbox 360, my curent gaming system of choice. While I could make a glib remark about whether the developers will include an easter egg that allows you to kill a hooker with your paddle, I won't. But I did think it was funny that in the press release they made a big deal about the game being realeased at a $39.99 price point, as opposed to the $59.99 standard. Is this supposed to be a big deal? Considering ESPNs 2K series was priced at 20 bones, I think $39.99 is kind of a lot... And 2K games weren't for sports played by putting a piece of plywood over your pool table in the basement. If this was China, where people care about ping pong, then go right ahead and charge whatever you want, but over here, it's like charging 40 bucks for "Tournament Lawn Darts".
(UPDATE: Despite my bitchiing, I bought this game. Totally worth the 35 bucks I paid for it.)